Posted by: crudbasher | June 10, 2014

Amazing Virtual Reality Video

I have often talked about how Simulation will revolutionize learning. It’s a way to experience things in a way that reading a book can never rival. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading books but sometimes you just have to be there.


There are a few things to notice about this video.

  1. Notice the hands are not tracked. When you can move your arms and your virtual arms move that greatly increases the realism.
  2. Notice he can lean from side to side. That is positional tracking which is a big contributor to realism.
  3. Notice when he turns his head the view response very quickly. A big delay can cause queazy feelings.
  4. Notice when he turns his head the audio changes. This indicates binaural audio, which means sounds sound like they are coming from specific directions. Again, this increases realism.

I would love to try this system out! Imagine using this technology to experience famous events throughout history!


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