Posted by: crudbasher | January 19, 2010

My PLN Experience

Stages of PLN adoption

I have been making a serious effort this year to plug in and create my own Personal Learning Network  (PLN).  I came across the linked article and found it very interesting.  My first couple of days using Twitter were like drinking from a firehose.  It was a bit intense to watch 20+ streams. I am using a program called TweetDeck to watch multiple twitter streams.    I started with an educator named Scott McLeod and his very cool website called Dangerously Irrelevant.  He seems to really be looking to the future.  I followed his Twitter stream and found he had several good twitter lists.  Then I latched onto Seth Godin.  He is not really an Education, but he is a thinker and posts really good stuff about how the Internet is changing everything.  In the linked article above the author Jeff Utecht mentions the various stages of PLNs. I think I am in stage 2 now.  I am realizing that I can trim my feeds a bit and add a bit more.  This has been a very fun process!


  1. I started off much smaller with my PLN, as I am just passing 2,000, I am wondering how I can manage to keep up with it all. There are so many amazing educators and thinkers that I want to learn from…the time, where can I find the time? 🙂

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