Posted by: crudbasher | November 4, 2011

Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How…

1937 Vision Of Robots (H/T Paleofuture)


I imagine this will be a fairly provocative article. 🙂

I have written many times in the past about how computers might replace teachers in the classroom. I got some very interesting responses so I spent more time thinking about it. This week two articles I found online made the pieces fit. Let me see if I can lay out my thinking and then you all can tell me if I’m crazy.

It’s bit of a ride so I’ll provide you with off ramps as we go…

Computers are getting faster every year based on something called Moore’s Law. This is an observation that for the same money, you can buy a computer with about twice the computing power every 12-18 months (it used to be 24 months). The side effect of this is that a given level of performance gets cheaper each year. If you think this is about to end then stop reading this post.

Still there? Good. As computers get faster, they can take on more challenging tasks, such as interpreting camera footage. We now have technology that can watch video and begin to understand it. Voice processing is getting much better as Siri on the iPhone shows. It’s not 100% accurate yet of course, but even humans sometimes have trouble understanding each other. It makes sense to me that as computers continue to get faster it will enable new applications we can’t do right now such as Artificial Intelligence. Even if we can’t do true machine based human level intelligence, the computers will be able to make decisions based on their inputs. If you don’t agree then this is where you get off the ride.

My final assertion is this: most things I have read about it says that rote memorization is a poor way to achieve mastery of a body of knowledge. The true goal of learning I think is to be able to take existing information and draw new conclusions from it. People talk about 21st century skills, but really this very old skill is all you need to succeed in our new knowledge based economy. Agreed? Then continue. (this is actually like a choose your own adventure book!)

I think that when I say computers replacing teachers we think of a robot standing in front of a group of kids in a classroom. I agree this won’t happen. However, I think we are going to rethink how and where learning takes place. In addition we are going to rethink what a teacher does.

If a teacher is just for broadcast of information then they deserve to be replaced by a computer. Computers can present information in a custom form and pace for each student. A teacher cannot do that unless you have a 1:1 student-teacher ratio. Even so, I don’t see the classroom as being the place for this learning. Here’s why.

I think in a very short period of time every student will have a powerful computing device in their pocket. They will be so cheap, everyone will have them. You will be able to talk to them and they will talk back. When children ask that famous child question “why?” the computer will be able to tell them. It will know how to access pre-built lessons in a vast online repository. It will be able to collect analytics about how the child responds and adjust future lesson choices accordingly. The key here is the learning will be 24/7 and can happen anywhere in the world.

Just by itself this will be massively disruptive to the existing school system. Lessons are predicated today by what kids need to know at what age. Once each students has vastly different knowledge sets it will be impossible to give every student the same lesson. In fact, the idea of a standardized curriculum goes right out the window.

Ok so let’s step back for a second a take stock. It’s important to understand that the scenario I have described above will happen if things keep going the way they are. The most critical thing to understand is it is most likely to happen if schools do nothing. We don’t need a bunch of funding, massive amounts of new teachers, new taxes, new buildings, etc… The irony here is the school system itself is setup to resist change but this will be it’s undoing. This is a classic disruptive innovation scenario.

If you have made it this far let me give you the grand finale. The classic argument people make against this vision of learning is it is impersonal. They say you can never replace the human contact of the teacher, therefore teachers will always be in control of learning. This is the final piece of the puzzle I figured out this week by reading two articles.

1. The first article was a posted a few days ago. It talked about how video game designers are starting to use AI to get games to write themselves. Typically in a game, it is all scripted out ahead of time. If you can get an AI to direct it though, you will have a game that is unique for every player and ever changing. This is what you need to make a learning system. Essentially a child begins a story with their learning AI at a very young age, and the game never ends. There is a lot of research now about games being effective learning tools. Imagine if some the time our kids spend playing World of Warcraft was spent learning! In fact, if you do it right, educational games can be fun.

2. The second article is something that I suspected would happen but didn’t have proof until now. Researchers have created a “Virtual Nurse” for use in hospitals.  Here’s the money quote.

In fact, patients who interacted with a virtual nurse named Elizabeth said they preferred the computer simulation to an actual doctor or nurse because they didn’t feel rushed or talked down to.  

This is personalization. In our mass produced society, we crave feeling special and unique. I don’t care how good a teacher is, they can’t be with every student, every minute in a class of 30. An AI can. Just because our generation doesn’t personify our cell phones doesn’t mean the next generation won’t.

You won’t see a robot in front of a classroom. Disruptive innovation doesn’t work that way. It comes from a direction you don’t see. All the time a student is not in school is an opportunity for learning and somebody is going to fill that space. Parents will rapidly understand that their kids will learn more if they can do it outside of school too. The kids will like it because children love to learn until they get to school.

So what happens to teachers in this future world? Well, two things. First, most teachers will work online developing creative lessons. Many teachers will only do it part time in addition to their regular (non teaching) job. For example, a scientist who invents a new device would then create some lessons on how to use it. She’s not a teacher, but her AI can guide her in developing a lesson. The second effect on teachers is, because you can reach many more students online, you need a lot fewer teachers. The actual idea of having a career as a teacher in a classroom will be much less common. Everyone will be a teacher. Just think of the diversity!! It will finally be possible to match the exact right lesson with the exact right student.

If you define a classroom as a room with a teacher where learning happens, don’t look for a  21st century equivalent. It won’t exist.  So when I say that computers will replace teachers, what I mean is they will obsolete the whole school system where learning is confined to the classroom. The way this is most likely to happen is for schools to do nothing. Technology will take care of the rest.

Any comments?

    • Researchers at Northeastern University have developed a virtual nurse and exercise coach that are surprisingly likable and effective—even if they’re not quite as affable as the medical hologram on Star Trek. In fact, patients who interacted with a virtual nurse named Elizabeth said they preferred the computer simulation to an actual doctor or nurse because they didn’t feel rushed or talked down to.
    • A recent clinical trial of the technology found that Elizabeth also appears to have a beneficial effect on care. A month after discharge, people who interacted with the virtual nurse were more likely to know their diagnosis and to make a follow-up appointment with their primary-care doctor.
    • “We try to present something that is not just an information exchange but is a social exchange,” says Timothy Bickmore, associate professor in Northeastern’s College of Computer and Information Science. Bickmore led the research. “It expresses empathy if the patient is having problems, and patients seem to resonate with that.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  1. Andrew,

    Another right-on-point article! Here’s a book I just purchased that you may be interested in – “Race Against the Machine” – . I’m not sure if they discuss education in their book (haven’t started reading it yet), but your post here would be a fitting addition.


    • Oh very cool book Carol, I’ve added it to my Amazon wishlist!!

  2. […] Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How If a teacher is just for broadcast of in… […]

  3. […] Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How If a teacher is just for broadcast of in… […]

  4. This may be a vision of the future.But I think you have forgotten the ‘ human touch’. Our society is losing the ‘ human touch ‘ as computers become our lives.Students don’t just come to school to learn facts they come to school to see a microcosm of the world on show.And they learn from it.From their ‘live’ teacher they learn morals,the way to behave in society and 1,000s of different societal structures adults take for granted.A computer may replace everything.But it will never replace the interaction one human has with another that is life – changing for both.

    • Hi Jayne,

      I hear the “human touch” argument a lot when this topic comes up. The way I see it what a students sees in school is other kids bullying them, not being able to learn what they want, being told “no” a whole lot more than being told “yes”, and learning that there is only one right answer. They are told to sit down, be quiet, listen, don’t ask too many questions we don’t have time. The idea of them learning morals from their teacher is appalling for me. I would much rather they learn morals from their parents. A school is an artificial environment which leaves many students with unrealistic expectations of how life really is. (see Occupy Wall Street).

      I also don’t buy the “preparing them for life argument”. It’s preparing them for being a factory worker, nothing more. Yes, sometimes teachers can make a difference in the life of a student. That happens, but if they weren’t in school 5 days a week, whoever else they were in contact with would serve the same purpose wouldn’t they? Teachers make that difference not because they are teachers, but because they are there. Anyone can make a difference in the life of a child.

      I’m not saying you are wrong, and I’m not saying I’m right. I just don’t think the evidence supports the view you are making. Time will tell.

      Thank you so much for a thought provoking comment!!

    • Dear Jayne
      Do you need a school to be socialise with people.
      You can have human touch in many other places more comfortable than schools. Coffeshops, clubs, dancing halls, sports halls etc etc.
      School is too expensive to be socialised
      Thanks for the article. I think the same way .

  5. Great post. There’s an argument here that the current ability of well designed technology has surpassed the ability of many teachers to comprehend its properties, and what kids are doing – outside the classroom – makes them cyborg-teachers. Most teaching frameworks talk about “knowing their content” and knowing “pedagogical” strategies to teach it. It comes down to how we see education. It seems entirely plausible and practical to have virtual school, yet the idea of this being a perpetual, 3D world is largely unexplored. It seems to me that providing kids with access to learning, though a 3D world, interacting with an avatar (computer controlled or human controlled) is a natural, if not preferential option. This idea that kids only learn, or should only learn, from a human in a room is clearly ridiculous. 9 million people bought Skyrim this weekend, and no one worried that a teacher would be needed. So yes, robots, but first avatars and teachers who understanding gaming and how to operate effectively in online space – the first barrier here isn’t the classroom, it’s the fact that management has zero XP, nor HR.

    • Great comment Dean! I really like the idea of persistence in education environments. I’ll have to ponder that concept for a future post. 🙂

      • yes computers can replace teachers….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Teachers always use the term ” pedagogical strategy ” ,in order to show their indespensibility .
      There are now online courses pedagogy embedded in it !!!!!!!!!!

  6. […] few weeks ago I wrote a post called Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How…. It has generated a lot of traffic so I have kept thinking about the idea. Then I saw a video about […]

  7. It is amazing Crudbasher
    Only 1 negative and one positive response from 2 ladies. One is a teacher we know ..
    They all talk pedogogy and human touch. eye contact .
    I strongly believe , but only here I say , teachers will be replaced by computer systems of hardware and sofwares within 5 years.

    I said this 15 years ago . I was about to be killed by teachers !!!!!!!
    Today too .

    Teachers : find new positions for yourselves .
    Can you send me the original article above in email to me.

    • You can access the original article by look at the annotation section at the end of the post. There’s a link to the article there. I’ve emailed it to you as well.

  8. Thanks Crudbasher
    But I also warn those who do not develop good online courses for the sake of saving money .
    Spend a lot for an online,but also access many students to drop cost per person .

  9. Hi! I am in high school and did a report on this. Sorry i can’t read your whole article it is way too long 4 me!!!! I will post my report later but it’s something like this:

    I really love going to school and it’s very exciting for me to see my friends (and every1 else) and to discuss things we learn about in class. I think it would be sooooooo boring to sit in front of a computer ALL day. for me, school is not just about a teacher, it is the whole environment, it is like being immersed (sp?). we learn together, smile, laugh, etc. without it, i don’t think i’d learn much. school helps shape my discipline, which is a huge part of my learning.

    i took an online course and watched utube videos and it was a disaster for me – i didn’t learn anything. i don’t raelly want to be given a computer instead of a teacher. i realize it might save someone some money, but i don’t think it’d be good for me or my friends.

    • My good , clean heart child
      Do you know you are only 1 % in the whole USA.
      And you are lucky that you are 1 % . You live on the expense of the other 99 % of the children like you but who do not enjoy your privilages .
      That is the reason we say ” we cannot provide good teachers for every 20 students in the country ”

      Don’t look up the bad online programs put in front of you .by money seeker vendors. Go to better K12 corporation online courses .

      When you grow up you will understand that what I meant today .
      Today my suggestion is just read every thing , everything you can find. Try to understand us .
      Don’t be one sided taught to you by your parents and teachers. Read, read, observe , and decide by yourself what is right

    • Sorry Lynn
      Never look up youtube for online courses.

    • Hi Casey! Thanks very much for contributing your thoughts to our discussion! If you are happy learning from a teacher, then by all means you will still be able to. There isn’t one solution to this, there are many. I think we have to match the right learning experience with the right student.

      Keep asking great questions and don’t be afraid to be wrong from time to time!

      (oh, and I learn all sorts of things on Youtube)

  10. […] a pretty throught provoking (and comment provoking) post a few weeks ago called Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How…. My argument was that once every child has a smartphone in their pocket, they will use them to […]

  11. […] Computers Will Replace Teachers, And Here’s How  […]

  12. In Turkey we are distributing tablets worth $ 500 to 16,000,000 K12 students.
    Distribution will be in 4 years 1+3+5+7 = 16 million .
    Bad teachers say there is no pedagogy in tech.
    So they think they are ,indispensibile .
    There is National Curriculum and national online contents also free . Therefore every body is equal in front of law .

  13. All tablets are distributed free .

  14. Dear Lynn
    You do not want education. You want friendship.
    You can find friendship in many other places which are not as expensive as schools . Schools are made with taxpayer’s money. If you want friendship you can go to tennis club, golf club, dansing hall, sports clubs, chess clubs and many other clubs with the same interest And you carry the bill personelly . We taxpayers are not here to entertain your free times .
    WE spend our money for education not for entertainment .
    Sure I love to go to college with lots of social events taking place every day and night .

  15. I like this blog, and the rock star blog. Things you have missed out – how to keep students on track with their low concentration thresholds and stop them surfing, downloading music shopping online or anything else instead of the task in hand as part of schooling is time management and developing reliability.

    How do you overide the computers tendency to store mouseclick history? Google is just as likely to send them to their music store, favourite boutique, favourite online game instead of the lesson link (because it’s a lower frequency click) distracting them before they start.

    My daughter has just completed the online education degree that’s what got me interested in your subjects, I’m not involved at all.

    • They just stay on track.
      We do not do anything .

      I know you are not involved at all .

  16. I agree. But I don’t think unions will like it. It’s not was better but was is easier to sell to politicians in control of the market. I will die after teaching for 30 years and the day before we will be talking about the same fear, being replaced by iteacher 1.0

    • HI John,

      Oh I am very sure unions will fight against it however this revolution will happen outside of schools, so really what can they do to stop it?

      You should trademark iTeacher btw. lol

  17. Have you thought about where all these kids will go that need childcare if schools did not exist? Only a small percentage can afford childcare for their kids full time. They count on the public schools to help them in this area. Someone mentioned that anyone can fill the role of teaching good morals, critical thinking, etc., but it might as well be teachers, since they are responsible for the care of the students during the day. If students sit in front of a computer all day to learn, they will still need an adult to monitor them. Their parents will not usually be avialable, because they will be at work. It might as well be a teacher, who is trained to teach.

    • Hi Liz,

      I actually did give this some thought. First of all, if all we want is a babysitting service then it should be possible to do it for much less than we spend on schools! Seriously though, there are several factors here I think. First, I think more and more people will be working at home in the coming years. Office space is expensive. Second, the US spends about $800+ billion per year on education. This money comes from the very parents we are talking about. If that money wasn’t taken from them I am sure some (but certainly not all) parents wouldn’t have to work. Finally, like everything else in our society, the government can help out those who can’t manage to do this kind of education.

      A significant point here is the new way of learning will be much much less expensive than the current system and should have much better results.

      As an interesting side effect, this puts the responsibility for education children back on the parents. Some parents won’t like this but those who care what their children learn will. Nobody should have a bigger say on what children learn than their parents and right now they have the least say. That should change.

      Thanks for a very good comment!

  18. Thanks for your thoughtful response. I do agree that public education needs to change, it needs to change quickly, and technology will be a big part of the changes. There needs to be smaller classes, less emphasis on standardized test scores, and more electives. You make many good points about the future of online education replacing public education, yet there are a lot of variables that still need to be accounted for that might come up if everything changed to online learning. For one thing, I keep thinking about the people who are either poor or not as passionate about the education of their kids or education in general like you are. They may be passionate about their children, just not about education. Some families just value different things and experience family life differently. For example, they may feel it is more important for them to spend the weekend just hanging out doing bonding type things with their kids than having their kids do homework (or anything else where they are gaining more knowledge). They may depend on their faith and God more than intellect or the almighty dollar that they are told education will secure for them. Those that do value education a little (but not enough to take it on for their kids themselves), may feel that it is the school’s responsibility to take care of the educational aspect of their kid’s lives.

    It has been said that public schools are the great equalizer. All kids are able to get an education, vs. only the ones whose families make it a priority or can afford it. The kids from families who are low income may not have the time, technical resources, or energy to make sure their children can access their education if left on their own. Also, what about the students with disabilities, who definitely need direct instruction, lots of patience at times, and loads of help in education. Who will teach them? Or do you envision a special school just for them. But then again, if there is a special school for them, they would be separated again from their peers, like the pre-special education, pre- 70s years that many were working to get away from. Just some more food for thought.

    • Wow that is a whole can of worms there Liz! One of the things I love the best about blogging is when people leave such great comments that make me think!

      Let me talk about a few of the issues you raised. In the research I have been doing, I realized that just online learning isn’t the optimum form either. A hybrid, or blended approach seems to provide the best results. There are many times in education when a more hands on approach is warrented. For example, at my school Full Sail University we have always had a policy that the students can get their hands on the equipment we teach them. We have lectures, then right afterwards they have a lab to apply it. It seems to work well. A fully online program can work in some circumstances but if you are learning physical skills it has limitations. The way I see this addressed is to replace a school with classrooms with a more specialized building with lots of hands on labs. As students in the local area are doing work online that requires labs, they would book time in the local lab space. I’m sure each lab would be staffed with people who can supervise and make sure things are proceeding safely. Even so, I still think the students will work at their own pace.

      It’s interesting to me that some families don’t value being educated. While this might stray into politics a little, but I think it might be because there are so many people who are dependent on the government. In a case like that, you don’t really have to do anything to get that assistance do you? So what use is an education if you are just given everything? Like I said, that’s a more political question.

      Finally, you talked about special needs kids. I am not an expert on this and have never taught special needs students so this is just my opinion. It seems to me that putting special needs kids in the same classroom as everyone else is a very poor way to get them the extra help they need. The class is tailored to a specific type of average student. If most kids are doing online for much of their education, then I see it freeing up more resources for developing special schools for special needs kids. I don’t see how that would be a bad thing.

  19. Having access to information isn’t everything. Surfing the WEB without direction is a mostly unproductive occupation. We need direction in the informational chaos. Knowledge has a structure and this structure defines learning sequence. You can’t see the whole building when you are sanding at the entrance. A teacher is an experienced guide who gives you direction. Help in learning is difficult because different people create knowledge in different ways. People think differently therefore a teacher needs to adjust the learning way to a specific student. Another aspect is social interaction. People will need to communicate with each other personally. Children learn everywhere by trying, but sometimes they need correction, and the teacher’s directions can have value.
    Computers are becoming more intelligent. Educational programs are becoming more attractive and effective. It is possible that some day computers will think like men (for me, it means that the computer will become a man). This Robo-man could replace human teachers and bloggers. Whether the teacher would be made of cells or of another material, the teaching profession would remain.

    • Hi Joseph,

      Your comment has a lot of declarative sentences in it. I don’t want to say you are wrong, however I do disagree with some of it. The first part of your comment is about needing direction to use the net as a learning tool. I completely agree, but I think the direction must come from the students. Right now, students have basically no say in what they learn, and how they learn it. This is foreign to the culture they are growing up in.

      You mention how a teacher much adjust the learning to a specific student. How is this done when the teacher has a class of 30 students? The way I remember is everyone did it the same way. Perhaps things are different now?

      A third point you mention is the need to communicate. Make no mistake, our children are the most connected people in history. If you put the emphasis on face to face learning, I think you are limiting their potential.

      To close your comment you mentioned a Robo-man (cool name!) which would function as a teacher. I agree but again the big difference is that with a computer based teacher, the student is directing the course of study. This is the only way to achieve truly deep learning. Right now students just learn what they absolutely have to in order to pass. This is what must change and I think computer based tutors customized to each student are a way to do it.

      Thank you very much for an awesome comment, it got me thinking!!

  20. I think that the article and all the comments are very intriguing, I just have a brief thought. One of my professors has been in the education system for a long time, and I have seen a piece of it, the pendulum swings back and forth, back and forth. It’s kind of like satisfying the right brain and then the left brain needs nurture, satisfy the left brain and so on. At this moment, yes we probably are anxious to have our own AI, learn at our own pace, have access to a curriculum all the time driven by our needs and interests, we may be tired of human interaction that leaves us feeling inferior, wanting more positive experiences with technology or “robot” like replacements. However, once we get what we think we want, after awhile this system will expire and we will again yearn for the human interaction, a bit of negative input, everything will become so easy and positive, like too good to be true type environment. Humans seem to always want what they don’t have, if we didn’t have challenge, conflict, or collaboration with humans then that is what we will want. Like I said these are just my thoughts and things always seem to cycle back around. So I do think major things are about to happen and change, but I also feel that at some point we will have the desire to return to the old way of life.

    • Hi H B,

      That is quite a profound observation! I agree completely. Another example to add to your argument is that in this age of mass production, custom built things are still in demand and valued highly. I am sure that in the future there will still be a market for personal tutors. The very wealthy will hire staff to teach their kids personally. Even so, I have a hard time believing that we will ever want to put our kids in a room with others their own age, force them to listen to a teacher droning on about a subject, and then having them take a test on how much they remembered. 🙂

      It is all cyclical. Great point!

  21. […] smart ways. This will revolutionize learning. It’s not here yet though so rest easy teachers, you won’t be replaced quite […]

  22. But i think due to this children’s imagination power will get reduced and their creativity will also become nil. Creativity is a source given by the youth, the coming generation which can even bring a big change in the society, so due the presence of computers , the country will not develop…???!!!!

  23. This was a fantastic article! I am a high school student who will finish the International Baccalaureate (IB) program this year and I love to learn new things. Something I have noticed about this teaching method we have been using for years is that a student’s potential for knowledge is never achieved. In both advanced classes and regular classes, kids aren’t given the right tools to explore the world around them and frankly the drive to even want to. Being in the IB program, I have been able to push myself and learn a great deal, for this I am truly grateful. As great of a program as it is though, there still seems to be that ceiling on what you need to learn. I believe this is a great problem as it encourages children to accept a school curriculum as the only knowledge about the world you will need. For instance, I am taking an IB math class and a few weeks ago we finished a section on differentiation and integration. We briefly touched on the applications and then moved on. I did not want to move on because for the first time I can remember I was absolutely fascinated by what we were doing in math. I talked to my teacher about it and he said that we could not continue learning about it because of the curriculum requirements but that I should try learning about it on my own time. Here I am just 17 days later learning about calculus that physics majors don’t learn about until the beginning of their third year in college and the only people I have to thank are the internet and my math teacher for making me realize that I was learning barely half of what I could be learning and at a horrendously slower rate. This new learning system you talked about in the article WILL change the way we learn in our world. It is time for everyone to accept it so we can evolve and move forward.

    p.s. I also read another article about how we can use technology to reach out to kids in developing countries and give them the same education opportunities as kids in developed countries. Here is the link:

    • Hey Brad,

      That’s a really great, well written comment. As you touched on, once we free students from the “50 minute class then stop” way of learning I think they will be able to develop skills much earlier. Good luck with your own learning and feel free to comment again! Thanks also for the article, it’s good stuff!

  24. Yes Brad
    As a developing country, Turkey invested heavily on education.
    Within 3 years every 16 million K12 students will have a tablet + course contents + etextbooks + internet at home and school all of them free. Budget is only $ 4-5 billion . Divide by 16 million it is only 313 $ divide by another 5 years amortisation that is only $ 60 per year per person. Vision .

  25. […] have also maintained that teachers will be replaced by machines in a lot of learning contexts, and I also said we might start to see this effect in Africa and […]

  26. […] 800 posts in the past 3 years. Probably the one with the most traffic is the one I wrote called Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How… In that post I discuss how many people have trouble believing that we will learn from computers […]

  27. I agree. With two working parents where do the millions of students go everyday? They can’t stay home and learn online.
    We need a societal shift in the role of schools in families .
    The homeschoolers figured this one out decades ago.

    • I kind of wonder if two parents working is going to be looked back on as an anomaly by future generations?

  28. After so many months people still talk the same

  29. […] of the most popular posts on this site is something I wrote a few years ago called Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How… I’ve been thinking about how that might happen. At first I thought it would require something […]

  30. Reblogged this on Academic-Zone and commented:
    What do you think? Do you think computers will replace teachers?!

    My answer: Although I do not know if teachers will ever be obsolete I do think that technology, innovation, and computers all act as important tools that can enhance and improve learning. I think it is important to look at the benefits of technology instead of always thinking of technology as a negative part of the classroom environment. For more reading on this topic check out the original article below.
    Don’t forget to leave a comment!

  31. […] homework. Computers can process information faster than any human can, and they can be used to customize the way information is presented to work for each individual […]

  32. I would find this incredibly hard to digest if not for the fact that so many teachers are slowly starting to “outsource” their work to technology. I saw a classroom that allowed students to explore online math and science games. My children have been engrossed in a game called School of Dragons that is some sort of virtual world that takes teaches them science subtly. I couldn’t help wonder if this is the first step to the classroom being completely taken over by technology. It’s hard to keep children off from the computer or tablet or mobile. Is this the way forward? Scary and exciting at the same time. I’m torn.

  33. […] I imagine this will be a fairly provocative article. 🙂 I have written many times in the past about how computers might replace teachers in the classroom. I got some very interesting respons…  […]

  34. […] it is a fair target. The most popular post I wrote in the last 4 years by far is the post entitled Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How. In it I talk about how adaptive learning technologies will make it possible for computers to 1. […]

  35. Yes I agree that computers they may replace teachers in the near future

  36. […] my research, I came across this very interesting blog. This blogger clearly states, with some questionable arguments, that eventually there will be no […]

  37. […] who is going to be a school teacher in Queensland Australia wrote a blog post about my post Computers Will Replace Teachers, and Here’s How. She brings up some good points so I wanted to reply in […]

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